Proven Motivation Methods For Students

"The grass is green where you water and fertilize it" ~ June Ho
Manager, Best Tutor
University of British Columbia, PhD (Curriculum and Pedagogy)
Proven Motivation Methods For Students
When your motivation levels are high, you will have much better learning outcomes.
Self-motivation encourages resilience and persistence when you are learning new and difficult content.
Motivation is the process that drives us to start and maintain effective goal-oriented behaviours.
There are 2 main types of motivation: External and Internal.
External motivation includes rewards like money, praise, social recognition, or awards.
Internal motivation is probably more important. With it, we can increase our persistence when we work toward our goals, incentivize us to take ongoing action, increase the intensity of our concentration to study regularly and participate in classroom discussions, help us feel more in control of our lives, and improve our overall confidence and happiness.
Proven Motivation Methods For Students – Positive Experiences, and Encouragement
Students’ motivation is often stronger when they believe that their efforts are appreciated and recognized by their parents, school teachers, classmates, and friends.
Positive interactions with parents, school teachers and the students’ private tuition teachers enhance students’ positive attitudes and competence when attempting to understand new and difficult information.
When home tutors, school teachers, and parents encourage students to engage in tailored and practical learning tasks that are related to their interests, the students will find learning to be easier, more enjoyable, and more related to their lives. They will perform better than those without personalized study methods.
Proven Motivation Methods For Students – Study Methods
When you link content to the natural interests or hobbies of the student, it will help him or her to connect their prior knowledge to the new information.
You can increase your enthusiasm in the topic through using hands-on activities that are associated with the content you need to learn, especially when your private tutor or school teacher emphasizes the importance of learning a particular topic or concept that often shows up in major exams.
All of us go through fluctuations in our motivation and willpower.
Sometimes, we feel very enthusiastic and highly driven to reach our goals.
On other days, we feel physically and mentally tired – and unsure of what we want, or how to achieve those goals.
When we are feeling unmotivated, there are practical and easy steps that we can take to help increase our interest in completing important tasks.
Proven Motivation Methods For Students
To develop or improve our motivation, we can:
- Adjust our goals, so that we can focus on things that really matter to how we answer exam questions. By focusing these, we reduce the workload and this will encourage us to push through our challenges instead of having to do things that are not particularly important
- When you are trying to tackle anything that feels too big or overwhelming, analyze the amount of work that you need to put in. Then, break the amount of work down into smaller, more manageable steps. Set your sights on achieving only the first step. For example, if you are trying to lose 10kg, break this down into 2kg increments. Celebrate and congratulate yourself each time you reach your mini-goals
- Improve your confidence. There is a strong connection between confidence and motivation, according to scientific research. Therefore, when you gain more confidence in yourself and your skills, your ability to achieve your goals will also get better
- Remind yourself of your past successes, and what you have achieved in the past. Identify where your strengths are, and this will prevent self-doubts from limiting your motivation
- Find out what are the things that you feel insecure about. Try working on strengthening your understanding and skills in these areas, so that you feel more capable
Proven Motivation Methods For Students – What to do when you have no motivation
Causes of low motivation
Some things can hurt or inhibit your motivation levels, and these are:
- All-or-nothing mindset. If you think that there is no point in trying unless you can be completely perfect when trying to reach your goal, then one small mistake or setback can prevent your motivation from moving forward
- Belief in quick fixes or shortcuts. When you can’t reach your goals immediately, it is easy to feel discouraged and unmotivated. Reaching goals often takes time, as well as consistent effort
- Thinking that what works for others will also work for you. All of us are different. Some of us will learn some chapters very fast and will find that other chapters that are difficult for us are easy for our classmates. And vice versa
Whether you need to motivate yourself to do better in your studies or in your CCA or your hobbies, always keep in mind how happy you will be once you succeed in achieving your goals.
This will certainly keep you motivated during the days and times when you feel discouraged.
All the best. You know that you can do this!
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